When the alarm goes of at 6 am and you need to perform something similar to a Kung Fu move to get out of bed, you tell yourself: no more commitments besides studying, ever again.

Three hours later I have to pinch my arm to realize whats going on is actually true. I am sitting at a table with representatives from Google, Ericsson, Tictail, SAS Institute, MTGx, Accenture and Netlight. They are all listening to what I have to say. Worth every Kung Fu move in the Olympics.

So what did I say? It all ended up in something similar to an onion, in a way it makes sense, I tried to recreate it below.
8The black dot is your perception of an engineer when you are young, all we now is that it is someone in a suit who is good at math. After a year of studies you know a little bit more (light blue circle), coming towards the end of your education you have a decent picture about the opportunities an engineering degree gives you (dark blue circle). Apparently there is a further extension to the onion model, it is the world view you obtain when you start working (dotted dark blue circle), I am pretty excited about that one.


The event today was an introduction for companies participating in IGEDay (Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day). The goal is to get more girls to understand how cool and broad the technical field is, to take them on a preview tour in one of the circles. 20th of February some of the biggest tech companies open their doors for girls between 12-19 years old. To see what an engineer do at work, find role models and interact with one another. I wish I would have had the opportunity to a circle preview tour.

This is a brilliant idea!
Smart people coming together to make Sweden a role model in gender equality and tech.


So don’t just sit there!
Spread the word!
Join in!
When we run into a future with female co-workers and profitable revenues.

1 Comment

Var är Sofster? · February 13, 2014 at 10:04 pm

[…] för IGEDay. Det var otroligt kul och inspirerande, vilket initiativ! Skrev några rader om eventet här. Ni har väl inte missat att det hela går av stapeln nästa vecka? Dåtids-Sofster fick vara med […]

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