What do you think about our new website? Or shall we call it a community for The Future of Diversity?

Yvonne Le, responsible for the Web development in the organisation is the master brain behind this work and all of us working for Womengineer can just applaud her on this success!

This is the next step in reaching our goal:

All of us working with Womengineer share the same goal. By 2030, we want 50% of all graduated engineers in Sweden to be women. We strive to reach this goal based on the belief that gender equality in the engineering profession will lead to a strengthened Swedish welfare and growth.

I’d like to share with you a mental image of mine to describe life’s challenges and striving towards a goal.

Life can be compared to climbing a mountain. This is a metaphor adapted for life goals such as completing an education, reaching this dream job of yours or other goals you have. All to attain the object of one’s desires and wishes.

So how is it to climb a mountain? Well, if you have tried it, it isn’t the easiest thing in the world really. You have to be prepared.


Yvonne Le – the brain behind this new website

As I perceive it, I am climbing the mountain sometimes very quickly on a big path where the air is clear. Sometimes less fast on a narrow track, where each step takes a long time to terminate. Sometimes I reach an impasse, and have to find another way to go further. Sometimes I climb on the very cliffs with rocks falling around me, where the wind lift clouds of dust to block the view, and the rain is harshly whipping my back, and I just want to cry and give up. Sometimes I am glad and target-oriented, sometimes I am tired and low-spirited.

But even the worst weather passes by, the sun peeps out from behind the clouds, and I see the summit: my goal, our goal. The important thing to remember is not to always keep an eye uphill… but also to stop sometimes, take a breath and enjoy the view and look backwards on all the challenges you have overcome. As we go on we have to see how far we’ve actually come, see what we have done so far that can lead us forward to the next level. We simply wont give up.

So, with our launch of our fabulous new website I am very thankful and hopeful. I will sit on my mountain bench, look out and be grateful to be part of this and see how far we’ve actually come, and how far we can go if we work hard together as a team. I will explore the new website, reading the old blogs and interviews with inspiring texts, where you can learn what you can do and accomplish as an engineer. I will follow the latest updates on Instagram and Twitter to see what my friends have been up to lately.

But it doesn’t stop there. We can all use some help from you out there working towards this big goal.

Fellow Womengineers, friends of ours, colleagues working in different fields of engineering, we can do this! We can reach both our own personal goals, and this greater challenge for diversity. We can make a clean sweep of the prejudices about what engineering is and what engineers do. We can give the world a true image through ”ilooklikeanengineer” pictures sharing what we actually do and look like. We will continue to inspire and tell everyone about all the fun adventures a life as an engineer can bring.

Lets launch this website, lets share it and lets go out there and do some serious mountain climbing until we reach our goal – Diversity.

Best regards, Lisa

source: pinterest

source: pinterest


Greta · October 28, 2015 at 7:46 pm

what a beautiful text about life!

Kajsa Bårman · October 29, 2015 at 6:27 am

Åh så bra och peppigt inlägg!!

Ellen · October 31, 2015 at 9:26 am

På engelska och så peppande. WOW LISA! :)

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