Isn’t it cool how quickly we can get accustomed to a new environment? Two weeks ago I was feeling anxious about moving to another country, how to get around, not knowing where things were located etc. Today I already sigh at people stopping at the top of the escalator, blocking people, not knowing where they’re headed. Tourists I’m thinking, as I’m making my way to work.
I just find it interesting that you adapt so quickly. This is the first time for me living (although for a short while) in another country, and I really thought I’d have a hard time with everything. Sure, things are not the same as in Sweden, but you kind of make your way through, learning what to do or what to find. Same goes for a new job. At first I panic at all the new stuff that I’ve never seen before, but then you start to see a pattern. You relate to things you’ve seen or experienced before. Ah, so Marks & Spencer is kind of like an Ica Maxi? Got it. Oh, is QuickBuild kind of like Jenkins or TeamCity? Check.
The more you see the more you can relate to. Even though I’m a home-person and would love to be in my safe cozy flat, it feels kind of nice to widen my horizons.